Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Charlene Denise White |
Sister | Not Known |
Birthday / Date of Birth / Age / How old is Charlene White ? | June 22, 1980. As of 2025, she is around 45 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Dating / Boyfriend | Currently not married, possibly single. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Why does Charlene White not wear a poppy? | Because she often receives racial and sexist abuse in public, Charlene White does not wear a poppy. |
Children / No. of Kids | 2 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | Black Caribbean |
Nationality | British |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Charlene White is an English TV news presenter, host, and senior anchor for the ITN News Network. Prior to this, she worked a few years for the BBC.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Charlene White was born on June 22, 1980, in Greenwich, London. She has two siblings named Carina and Josh.
- Education : She attended the Blackheath High School in Southeast London. Later, she graduated from the London College of Printing.
- Her parents were of Black Caribbean heritage.
- Charlene’s father Dennis White served in the RAF (Royal Air Force). Later on, he became a postman & is currently retired.
- Her mother, Dorrett Ionie White, died on account of bowel cancer in 2002, when Charlene was 21. In her last days, her mum advised Charlene on how she can help her father raise her siblings.
- Andy is the name of her current partner/boyfriend. The couple had first met in 2016 at a friend’s birthday party.
- On 26th March 2017, the couple revealed to the public that Charlene is pregnant & they are expecting a baby together. The baby boy ‘Alfie’ was born in August 2017.
- In November 2019, Charlene had her second child with her partner Andy – a baby daughter Florence. The lovely news was released via Instagram, with Charlene posting a beautiful picture of the newborn, cuddled in a pink blanket.
Profession : Career, Salary and Net Worth
- Charlene started her journalism career at age 22, presenting news at BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra.
- Later on, she continued her work with the BBC in Norwich.
- After joining ITN in 2008, she performed as a newscaster/anchor for many news programs. The few programs she anchored were “ITV News at 5:30,” “ITV London News” & “ITV Lunchtime News” etc.
- Her hard work has brought her to be the first woman of her race to present ITV News at Ten. The date was April 9, 2014.
- She has moved between different cities as her career developed.
- In 2016, Charlene White became the Deputy presenter of the ITV Lunchtime News, ITV Evening News and ITV News London.
Poppy Controversy :
- Charlene’s refusal to wear a Remembrance Day poppy on the screen resulted in racist abuse on Twitter (now called X). She explained her decision as “she did not desire to give preferences to any of the charities”.
- Charlene believes that all charities should have equal opportunities & she supports several of them by donating part of her income. She did wear a poppy and a red ribbon for World Aids Day, or a purple band for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.
- She wore both poppy and purple band at a London Fashion Show in 2016.
Interesting Facts, Height and Trivia :
- Charlene undoubtedly suffered when her mother passed away but was surprised to bump into this feeling once more after almost 20 years. Charlene’s pregnancy made her grieve for her mother’s presence in her life since their culture assigns mothers not only to instruct daughters on pregnancy and birth matters but also to help them as much as they can including household chores.
- Her being motherless resulted in her friendship with other motherless women. She developed a closer relationship with her younger sister, who already had several years of experience being a mother. Her sister had delivered a baby in 2010.
- Charlene wanted her sister Carina White & her partner Andy to be with her during her giving birth to the child.
- Blue is her favourite colour, and she likes to go shopping.
Body & Other Vital Info
Charlene White Measurements :
- Eye Colour : Black
- Haircut / Hair Colour : Brown
- How tall is Charlene White Height : 5′8″
- Pregnant? : Currently, she is not expecting a baby.
- Charlene White Weight Loss : A few Google queries regarding this, but we couldn’t find anything conclusive on any of her social media.
I have always admired you, Charlene, from the time you first appear on you to bits…
Charlene, I don’t always watch loose women the show is not really spearheaded for women of colour, but I must say today the 22 Oct 2020.
I love love love the show how refreshing to see the panellist was made up of all women of colour and I pay homage to you all of you for delivering such a wonderful delightful show today.
We the people of colour want more of this…BIG UP BIG UP MY SISTREN. Love you all!
xx ITV you have made history today and this is what we want and we deserve it and its about time change is coming and it’s going to come..
Carry on my SISTER
Lovely piece of writing.