Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Samantha Thomas |
Birthday / Date of Birth / Samantha Thomas Age | Born in 1980. As of 2025, she is around 45 years old. |
Wedding / Wife / Dating / Marriage / Partner | Currently in a relationship with Ellen Page. |
Is Samantha Thomas a lesbian? | She has stated that her family never minded her being a lesbian when she was a child. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
Biography Information / Profile Background
Introduction : Who is Samantha Thomas ?
Samantha Thomas is an artist, who is known for her beachy lifestyle on social media. She is also well-known as the partner of Canadian actress Ellen Page.
Young Life and Family Details :
- Samantha was born in 1980 in McAllen, Texas.
- She has said that she knew she was a lesbian from a young age, and that it was never a big deal for her family.
- She has often spoken about how supportive her family is, and has encouraged other parents of gay or lesbian children to follow their lead in life.
- Thomas is a keen surfer, and after moving to California in her teen years, has dedicated a large amount of her life to surfing.
- She is a big dog lover and has one dog named Patters who she considers her child.
Ellen Page and Samantha Thomas Relationship :
- In late 2014, actress Ellen Page came out as a lesbian to the media, and then six months later appeared on the red carpet arm in arm with Thomas. Page is 7 years younger than Thomas
- The two reportedly met at a party in Los Angeles, through mutual friends.
- They have said they decided to make their first appearance on the red carpet for Page’s movie “Freeheld,” as they thought the movie was extremely important for gay rights. The movie explores a lesbian couple who fight to get ‘couple’s benefits’ that are awarded to straight couples after one passes away.
- Page has regularly posted about her pride in Samantha, and shares her artwork across many social media platforms.
- They share their dog Patters together and regularly travel the world finding good surf spots.
- In June 2017, the two marched together at a Pride Rally in Greenwich Village, New York.
Career, Profession and Net Worth :
- After taking an interest in art in middle school, Samantha won numerous school-level competitions for her work.
- With some encouragement from her parents, she went on to attend The Art Centre College of Design, where she graduated from in 2004 with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts.
- Her work has been praised for her use of 3D methods, and for creating unique textures in her work by combining sandpaper, thread, and enamel on surfaces before painting over it.
- Between 2006 and 2016 she has had 7 solo exhibition shows, and is rumored to be working on a new series in 2017 which will be presented by Anat Egbi in Los Angeles.
- Thomas has also appeared in 14 group exhibitions and says her favorite to work on was her pieces shown at the Speculative Materialism D-Block Project that was shown in 2011 in Long Beach.
- She has been featured in the prominent art magazine Baku as the next up and coming artist of the world.
Height & Social Media :
- Samantha’s Instagram account, @redsquare7, is full of pictures of her surfing exploits as well as her travels. Currently, it has 25,000+ followers.
- Samantha Thomas Height : 178 cm