Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Kandolite Flores |
Birthday / How old is Kandolite Flores Age / Date of Birth / DOB | July 10, 1987. As of 2025, she is around 38 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Boyfriend / Engaged / Partner | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | Mixed |
Nationality | American |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
- Claiming to be a journalist at heart as she joins the elite panel of KFox14 on the morning news team, Kandolite Flores eloquently describes her elation at being “back home.”
- She had joined the team when she was a fresher straight out of college & started working with them as a traffic anchor and reporter.
- Though she has covered a variety of stories, her core area of work has been surrounding traffic.
- She mostly reports on the most wide-scale and very important road projects in the Borderland region.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
- Kandolite claims to be a proud El Paso native having done her schooling from Bel-Air High School.
- She was part of a Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity.
- Throughout her college life, she added value to her education by working for numerous organisations.
- A “Sun Bowl Princess,” she was also crowned as UTEP homecoming Queen in the year 2008.
- She finally graduated with a B.A in Communications and also minored in Women’s Studies in 2009.
Fun Facts, Height and Trivia :
- In 2011 Kandolite was voted as the Best News Reporter in The City Magazine.
- Crowned Mrs. El Paso in the year 2015.
- She says she has a handful of her cousins who have studied from NMSU.
- Extremely proud of the Sun City, she says she will always be ready to represent it.
- She finds working in Public Television amazing and feels it’s a wonderful place to be creative and learn and grow.
- Her hobbies include working out & trying healthy recipes which she also loves to share.
- Passionate about watching sports and hanging out with her family.
- She has an active social media profile & is quite interactive on Instagram and Facebook.
Husband and Married Life :
- Kandolite married an El Paso firefighter named Christopher Carson in a beautiful ceremony on April 17, 2016.
- The wedding venue was the “Pecan Springs Ranch Austin Wedding Venue.”
- She also fosters 5 rescue puppies with her husband.
- In June 2018, she announced on Twitter (now called X) that she is pregnant & is expecting a baby soon.
Love for Animals & Charity Activities :
- Extremely passionate about animals, she had taken a break from reporting and anchoring news to working at a local non-profit animal shelter, where she worked as associate director for almost four years.
- Even though the work she did with the animal shelter was heart-wrenching, she also experienced that it was fulfilling.
- She took part in marketing, education, and outreach programs and managed to save thousands of animals.
- She has been a lifelong volunteer with Operation H.O.P.E’s Heroes, which is a group of volunteers dedicated to bringing cheer to the less fortunate or ill children in the community.